The road with no name
7 November
I feel so angry with everyone for some reason. Really mad. Everyone seems so stupid, so wrong, and I have had two exhausting arguments in one day. Given that I get too excited while arguing, these two were quite… stimulating, too. Infuriating, that is. Why do so many people have such an absurdly wrong and stupid opinion on vital topics?

I know I am wrong to be so angry. It is probably just a sign of how empty and frustrated I actually feel. Maybe I should just confess that I don't feel OK, and stop downplaying my own emotions? I know logically that my life has literally no problems now. But why do I feel so bad then?



4 months ago

why just absence of common problems should make life good? joy has never been a default state of mind.
and yeah, usually when you are intolerant of someone else's stupid thoughts, it is simply a symptom of intolerance of your own mistakes.

4 months ago

alaic: those are actually really wise words! Thank you :)

4 months ago

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